Thursday, October 7, 2010

iPhone photos Top Digital Camera

iPhone in Digital Camera Photo

Most cameras, including digital SLRs, does not have a high dynamic range (HDR) property.This property, which is included in the recently revised Casio Exilim ZR-10 cameras, makes it possible to merge multiple photos to submit these fully exposed to the photo that contains details of the sky and shadows. a similar feature is available in the third-party applications, including Pro HDR through iPhone.

The photo above was taken of the Cologne Cathedral and left my iPhone.The photo below and to the right was taken with a digital camera that does not contain an HDR.You want to? digital camera-photo can be more detail, but the iPhone is much More strongly to the dramatic. win.

There are certainly a lot of situations, such as low light, when the digital camera will win each tim, but in this example, there is plenty of light, if the iPhone comes out on top.

I recognize that there is a special software FOR PC or Mac that connects multiple photos, special algorithms to. the problem is that these programs require a Plugin for an initial period of multiple photos and then ask the merge pictures into your process on the computer. Not many people are willing to go through this much effort., on the other hand, the iPhone is simple and easy to use and it does the work automatically for you.

View the original article here

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